Sunday, April 6, 2014

Courtyard Clones

      In hindsight I probably shouldn't have chosen such a bright and sunny day to shoot this kind of thing, but actually if there was less light the shadows would be more prominent and I quite like the effect the sun creates coming through the trees. I knew from the beginning that I wanted my cat involved in the project somehow, but I originally planned for one of my clones to be holding him. In the end we had to set his water bowl out for him to show himself to the camera, and while it is a tad distracting, I really like how he's the center of attention in this picture, because that's how it is in real life as well. This project was really fascinating for me because I wasn't previously familiar with how masking works. I'd used Adobe products quite frequently but steered clear of masks due to their confusing nature. Photoshop makes them a little easier to understand and to use, and it's the only way to do a project like this, so I'm glad I got to learn something from the assignment.

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