Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Photo Restoration

      When it was announced we would be undertaking a photo restoration project I approached grandparents on both sides of my family, but to my disappointment one couldn't find any damaged photos and the other had images that were either not damaged that much or completely destroyed, beyond hope of restoration by a professional let alone a college student. Luckily my mother who enjoys taking pictures more than breathing had a box full of old photos, but none of them were damaged. Under different circumstances I would be happy that we take such great care of our images, but the deadline for finding a photo worth restoring was drawing near, and I had nothing to work with. I decided to massacre an old photo that my mother didn't care about, and I had a lot to choose from. Most of them were cats, and this one seemed to have the most variety, so I shredded it and scratched it and accidently took a piece out of the middle which I had to delicately tape back in. That turned out to be a mistake because the tape was the hardest thing to remove in the entire image, and the creases from folding it didn't even show up in the scan. I'm amazed at how good it looks though considering it was brutally disfigured on purpose. Definitely a useful skill to hold on to.

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