Thursday, March 13, 2014

Phone Propaganda

      On the left is an early draft of the elements I decided to use for this assignment, being the phone attacking an unfortunate ear with a butter knife and the text, all of which I arrived at fairly quickly. In the final version on the right some of the changes may be difficult to notice, so I'll walk you through them. The first thing that bothered me about the first version was the kerning in the word "assaulting", as the L and the T seemed way too far apart for some reason. After fixing that and adjusting the kerning between various other letters, I turned my attention to the bold text at the bottom, as it wasn't standing out as much as I would have hoped. All I had to do in the end was swap the fill and the stroke, and make the banner a bit bigger. Finally I changed the knife from line to dot half-tone and angled it down more to fill the space in the middle. The notes were also added later but not before my first image test, so they're in both versions here even though I had trouble getting them to look right. In case you're wondering, they're set to 100% opacity on Color Burn.