Saturday, January 25, 2014

HTML Canvas Project

      For this assignment I started with the teardrop shape in the middle and worked around it, since it was the first real shape I stumbled upon during class and it looked interesting. Everything else just came from the checklist on the assignment sheet, and a lot of tinkering with the code to clean it up and combine certain elements.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Blog Intro Assignment

      I wasn't looking forward to another four hour tour that ends at 10:00, but I have to say the workflow and exposure to technology kept me awake. I generally don't think very well that late at night; I'm not a morning person either but the later it gets the more my brain goes on emergency life-support. However I enjoyed the casual format to the class and the equally casual format of the instructor and his instructions. We moved quickly but smoothly through the basics, and there was never a dull moment, besides trying to log on to the computers of course.
      But my expectations of the class were exceeded in another way as well. From reading the course description on SpartanWeb I gathered that this was going to be another "Art" class that just happened to use computers to create art. I'm not a particularly artsy person; I enjoy using computers to create stuff but I'm not in it for the art, I'm in it for the technology aspect. Experience with software is more important to me than printing stuff and displaying it in the real world, because the real world is moving towards an era where nothing has to exist in the real world for people to see it. I was impressed though to find that at least half the class will involve technical projects, even if the other half is involved with fleshing out those projects. I'm definitely looking forward to designing, learning, and critiquing in the weeks to come, even if the time slot is a tad inconvenient, especially for a commuter like myself.
      Speaking of myself, a few personal details include a slight obsession with Nintendo and extensive knowledge of films, both of which to my surprise were covered in the first class. I'm also an avid user of YouTube and a big fan of Google. I know everyone uses Google but when I say big fan I mean I don't like Apple and try never to use Apple products. Again, that's unfortunately a big part of the class but I think I can manage, especially once I replace that worthless mouse. Last but not least I am the proud co-owner of a twenty pound cat. Yes he's on a diet. It's just not working.